Kampo Aroma

Kampo Aroma
Esthetic back

Chinese herbal detox

Kampo Aromatherapy Massage

Kampo Aromatherapy is a holistic body treatment using Kampo aromatherapy oils which are blended with high quality chinese herbal extracts and Western essential oils. These oils will correspond with each of the internal organs (the vicera) in your body specifically in the chest ad abdominal areas. It will leave you feeling refreshed and revitalized like you've never experienced before. It is recomended for those who want to maintain body balance as well as chronic fatigue, discomfort and stress reduction.

Recommended for such people

Diet, stress, chronic fatigue, insomnia, insomnia, immune function decline irregular menstruation (menstrual irregularity), menstrual pain, PMS (premenstrual syndrome), constipation, coldness, swelling, menopause, women's weakness, etc. Those who are worried.

In counseling, we measure the flow of “12 meridians” with a meridian measuring device, determine the balance and physical condition of the five viscera and six limbs, and blend the Kampo aromas of the day for treatment. 【By appointment only】

About meridian measuring instrument

we'll review your body condition before the treatment. The meridan measuring instrument is a tool wihich can be used to test the electrical resistance of the skin at acupuncture points along the 12 major meridians on both hands and feet.

According to the theory of Chinese medicine, it allows for us to screen the viscera's state of health of an individual. Based on personal test results, we'll customize Kampo aromatherapy oils to crerate an exclusive blend improving that individual's viscera containing unbalanced energy and it will also enhance mental state and physical relaxation at the same time.


This measurement is for people receiving full Kampo aromatherapy treatment at our salon.

Meridian diagnostic machine
Meridian diagnosis
Five elements energy

Kampo Aroma Oil “Kamiki”

We use Shinki Oil, which was researched and developed by the National Yangming University School of Medicine, Taiwan. By combining Western aromatherapy with Chinese medicine / medical theories, etc., nanotechnology of essential oil molecules by biotechnology technology and increasing the absorption rate to the human body can be expected to have immediate effect. A safe and secure Kampo oil that you can apply directly to your skin.

Chinese herbal detox
12,000 yen Initial 10,000 yen
15,000 yen Initial 13,000 yen
18,000 yen Initial 16,000 yen
Popular combination options
3,000 yen
3,000 yen
5,000 yen

Health and beauty from Chinese medicine

The Yin Yang Group divides everything in the universe into “Yin” and “Yang”, and further divides the natural world into five elements (Thu, Tue, Sat, Fri, Wed), and balance in a certain relationship It is the idea of keeping. These five elements are connected to the image of the five organs “liver / heart / spleen / lung / kidney” that divide the functions of our body. The characteristic of Chinese medicine is that the mind and body are united, and all the balanced states are healthy both mentally and physically, and when these balances are lost, the body appears unwell and causes illness and unhealth. . If we are in a modern stress society, we will be a hint to “face ourselves” by incorporating this medical philosophy, which is packed with “wisdom of nurturing” for both mental and physical health.

Are you ill?

Are you ill?